Communicating the WHY of Student-Centered Learning

07/01/2021 - 09/30/2022


  • Free




Virtual Learning Opportunity for Wisconsin Educators!

Communicating the WHY of student-centered learning means conveying core beliefs about why to replace the factory-based traditional classroom model with a model that is personalized, high learner agency, and mastery based. Starting with the WHY is starting with the purpose, rather than with the definition of student-centered learning (the WHAT) or with an explanation of how online and blended learning enable student-centered learning (the HOW). The principle of starting with the WHY provides a communication framework for inspiring and motivating other people to join the movement to make education student centered.

Course Attributes:
  • Online
  • Asynchronous
  • Self-paced
  • Rolling enrollment through August 31, 2022
  • Course must be completed by September 30, 2022
  • Addresses NSQOL Standards - C
  • Some activities require learner interaction 
Learning Targets:
  • Articulate your personal WHY statement for how your online/blended classroom better meets your learners’ needs than does a traditional classroom.
  • Practice communicating your personal WHY persuasively to important stakeholders, such as students, guardians, and the community.
  • Modify your online course welcome and introductory activities to communicate your WHY statement and maximize buy-in from students.

Micro-courses allow learning in small steps and are designed to both teach and model competencies and skills related to high-quality instruction. Our micro-courses are typically a combination of online coursework and practical application. Each micro-course may take up to 15 hours to complete. Enrollment is rolling due to the self-paced nature of the course. Districts also have the option of creating their own cohort of participants.

This micro-course is part of a statewide initiative to build capacity for, and expand access to, high quality online instructional resources and provide training for Wisconsin educators in the provision of online and remote instruction. It is being offered at no cost* by the Institute for Personalized Learning, a division of CESA #1, to Wisconsin educators only.

Course content: Kate Sommerville / / 262-787-9500 ext. 9536
Registration: Monica Sepic / / 262-787-9500 ext. 9572
*This project is supported by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Program to serve all Wisconsin public, tribal, charter, and private schools serving students in grades 4K-12 and Institutes of Higher Education and licensing centers for pre-service educators.