Implementing Multiple Instructional Methods and Modes

07/01/2021 - 06/30/2022


  • $125.00  -  Institute Member
  • $140.00  -  Non-member




Utiltizing a variety of instructional methods and modes allow educators to personalize and be responsive to the needs of your learners. During this self-paced workshop, participants will look at the differences between face-to-face, virtual, and blended modes of learning. In addition, they will look at ways to use a variety of instructional methods such as must do/may do lists, choice boards and playlists with learners in a variety of situations. Participants will identify specific examples of instructional methods and modes, and explore resources and examples that provide them with effective strategies to leverage the use in their own learning environment.

Course Attributes:
•  Online
•  Asynchronous
•  Self-paced
•  Rolling enrollment through May 31, 2022
•  Course must be completed by June 30, 2022
•  Addresses NSQOL Standards - B, D, G, H

Honeycomb Elements:
•  Multiple Instructional Methods/Modes
•  Learner Choice

Self-paced workshops offer interactive, just in time professional learning around specific instructional practices, strategies, and frameworks. They also provide educators with an opportunity for reflection and practical application. Districts have the option of creating their own cohort of participants; please contact the course facilitator for more information. Special pricing available for groups of 29 or more; please contact Melissa Arnold for more information.


Course content: Kate Sommerville / / 262-787-9500 ext. 9536
Registration: Melissa Arnold / / 262-787-9500 ext. 9529